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Meadowbank: A dark fantasy thriller (The Shael Chronicles Book 2) Page 16

  If all this was true - and a part of her still thought she was dealing with a complete lunatic - then she could see how it all came together. She didn't think she would ever fully understand this place, but she definitely saw the part he wanted her to play. 'Ok,' she said, 'I get why this Mamluk is important, but what's the second errand?'

  'The second task is a lot less dangerous, but much more morally dubious. We need two specimens from your world. They must be female and preferably not too young.'


  Kane nodded.

  'By which you mean people?'

  He nodded again.

  'Will they be hurt?'

  He didn't speak for a long time, making sure he chose his next words carefully. 'It's not too late to back out Elida,' he said, 'So far you've done nothing more than steel a little money and break into an empty house. This next part requires something far more drastic and yes the two specimens will unfortunately not survive the procedure.'

  'The procedure to bring back the king?'

  'Yes. Correct.' He eyed her carefully, looking for a reaction, 'You've come this far, but you need to decide if you are willing to go all the way. People will be hurt. Laws will be broken. But all of it will be for the greater good.' During their conversation he had somehow taken out a vial of blue liquid and was rocking it back and forth between his hands. 'I need to know if you are in or out Elida.'

  She eyed the bottle hungrily. Over the years she had proven to herself, and anyone who knew her, that she had little conscience. Apart from a few friends - which she barely tolerated - she didn't have any great love for people, or herself for that matter. But despite this narcissistic streak, she had never crossed the line. What Kane was asking from her was far beyond anything she had done before; even though for once the cause was just. She eyed the hypnotic movement of the bottle and it's equally intoxicating liquid. 'I'm in,' she said.

  'All the way?'

  She nodded somberly. 'All the way.'


  'But I don't see how I can kidnap two women and bring them through that gate.'

  'For that,' he said, 'You're going to need some help. Someone from your side. Someone big.'

  'How do I convince someone to do that for me?'

  He chuckled at this, something that was beginning to grate. 'You don't need to convince,' he said and shook the bottle, 'That's where this stuff comes in. As I said, it can be anything you want it to be. One of its more useful components is a powerful and long lasting hypnotic effect. With the right subject, you can get them to do almost anything. Takes some of the accountability, should we say, from your shoulders. Besides, if it doesn't work out first time, there's very little that can be pinned on you.'

  She took the bottle and swilled the liquid. 'So the plan is to, what? Brainwash some bloke into kidnapping two women and take them where?'

  'Get them to your side of the gate. Keep them sedated - our little blue friend can take care of that too - then when everything is ready our side. We bring them through.'

  'And that's it? You perform this procedure and the king is back. Simple as.'

  'Well, I'm sure it won't all go that swimmingly, but in a nutshell, yes. That's the plan I've been waiting to bring to life for so many years. To finally put Lycheen back on his throne.'

  'Ok,' she said, handing the vial back to Kane, 'When do we start?'

  He gave her another of his unnerving smiles. 'You really are a remarkable girl,' he said. 'I am so pleased our paths have crossed. We really are on the verge of something truly monumental and I see no reason why we can't start immediately.'


  Together they packed up the camp; storing their basic supplies in two very thin but sturdy backpacks. They were made from the same lightweight metallic material as the tents and put her father's hiking bag to shame. Kane doused the fire, taking extra care in ensuring the flames were fully extinguished.

  'It's probably unnecessary,' he said, 'But the last thing we want is a bush fire. This undergrowth is so dry the whole place is liable to go up.'

  When all their provisions were squared away, they walked away from the compound to a crumbling rock face she recognised instantly as where she had first come through. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a strange brass looking object. One end was shaped like a ring which he slid over his index finger. The other end had an oval shaped disc that fit snugly into his palm.

  'I need you to pay special attention here,' he said, 'If you go through the wrong door, I won't be there to help you this time.' He squeezed the plate on his hand and immediately the gateway appeared before them, showing the cave back in her world. 'Put our two camp beds in there. We can use it as a staging area.'

  It was a weird sensation stepping back through. The air was much thicker and it took her a few minutes to get her breathing back to normal. She laid out the beds on either side of the room and looked back to Kane for approval. He gave a thumbs up, but it came through as weird stop-motion movements that hurt her eyes. He was mouthing something, but it was obvious sound didn't carry through, so she crossed back.

  'I couldn't hear you,' she said, 'To tell you the truth, it's a little freaky looking back from that side. What were you saying?'

  'I was just saying you can come back through. Interesting that sound doesn't travel.'

  'Fucking freaky is what it is! What next?'

  'Next, I need to show you how to use this Shimbala.'

  'Shimbala? What the fuck is that?'

  He took out a similar device and gently placed it on her finger. Immediately she felt a tingling in her hand which gradually spread along her arm. For such a delicate object, she could feel the power pulsing through it.

  'This is the Shimbala,' he said, 'I suppose a loose translation would be hand or fist of Shael. What you hold there is a device that can help you channel your power and tap into some of its technology. Some of the magic of Shael.'

  'Cool,' she said, 'Like a remote control.'

  'I don't know exactly what that is, but yes it can give you control.'

  'How does it work?'

  'With most of the technology here, it's simply a matter of holding the inner plate against the device. Like I said, it doesn't work on everything and some things it should control, have stopped working years ago. For more complicated devices - such as this gate - you need to use the ring-piece to adjust the settings.'

  She squeezed the plate in her palm and the gate sprung to life. The ring had a second moveable inner layer which, when twisted, changed the image on the gate. 'Cool,' she said.

  'Indeed. The gate won't stay open indefinitely, but you should have plenty of time to go through. For both of you to go through.'

  She clicked through the different settings until it landed back on the dingy room. 'Which one do I need?'

  He turned the ring two notches for her, changing the scene to a rugged beach not too dissimilar to the one where she first met Kane. 'This is where you need to go first. Head directly away from the gate until you come across a rock face. Inside that you will find a chamber that leads deep below ground. As I say, a lot of the technology in this world doesn't work anymore, but this particular vent still has a working platform that will take you deep into the bowels of the earth. Use the Shimbala to operate this platform and take it as far down as it will go. Once there, you'll be able to intercept this Mamluk.'

  'And he'll, what? Just be waiting?'

  'I believe so.'

  'You believe so. But you don't know so?'

  'I can't be exact on the time or location, but he will be travelling down this chamber. The vent platform has a failsafe mechanism that will intercept him. I do apologise for the vagueness.'

  'But how do you know he's even gonna be there?'

  'There is a certain limited precognition associated with these Mamluk's. Something that was built into their makeup. It allowed us to keep track of their present, and to some extent, their future whereabouts. It's what alerted me to it's presence in th
e first place.'

  'But why have you not known about him until now? Where's he been?'

  'That's a good question. Amongst the many I have for him once you bring him to me. This Mamluk is a lot less advanced than I would expect. Definitely hasn't undergone the same amount of training as others. I am very interested to learn exactly what he's been up to. That's why you need to take care. One so primitive as this could be...unpredictable.'

  'Great. What if he turns on me?'

  'The Shimbala will protect you. Will hide the fact you are human. Long enough for you to get back, anyway.'

  She clicked the ring again. 'And which one is the way back?'

  'The red one. There.'

  She clicked on a rugged red landscape that looked like the surface of Mars. 'You say there's something in this one? Something dangerous.'

  Kane nodded. 'Correct. It shares certain similarities with the Mamluk, but this is an older and far more powerful entity. It has existed here on Shael for thousands of years. Many have fallen prey to its seducement. I once thought it could make a powerful ally, but it is very singular in its motivations.'

  'And this is really the best way back?' She was just getting used to the fact she would be babysitting a trained killer and now she had to pass through what sounded like a demon's lair.

  'It won't approach you if you have the Mamluk. In fact I doubt you will even see it. The creations of Shael appear to have no quarrel with their own. It seems to be just the visitors!'

  She mulled over the plan in her mind. Apart from the obvious dangers, it all seemed relatively straightforward. 'Looks like you've covered all the bases.'

  'I hope so,' he said, 'We are incredibly fortunate that the stars are aligning in our favour, but we cannot forget we are dealing with two very dangerous individuals. If there were a way for me to accompany you, then I would. If my calculations are right, the Mamluk will be in the chamber in just over six hours. Using the gate, you can be there in two. It would take me weeks to be even near that position, in which time the Mamluk would be long gone.'

  'So I am pretty much your only hope?'

  Kane nodded grimly. 'Unfortunately yes.'


  Within an hour of stepping through the gate, she had found the inner chamber and with the aid of the Shimbala, had activated the platform. It took a while for it to arrive, which left her wondering exactly how deep it went. After about ten minutes, she felt a breeze on her face which gradually grew stronger. It felt similar to the rush of air ahead of an underground train and as it drew near, the blue lights that speckled the chambers walls began to pulse.

  To call it a platform was doing it a complete disservice. It was old, and rusty for sure, but instead of a stark metal shelf, in its day it would have been a fine way to travel. It was circular at about twenty metres in diameter and fit snugly against the chamber's wall. Around its circumference was a head high wall of plexiglass which gave it the feel of an open top car. To support this illusion there was a ring of plush leather chairs - some in a state of complete disrepair - which faced inwards encircling an oval table she presumed acted as the control panel.

  As she stepped on, the platform gave a little, causing the blue lights to brighten. It settled, but she wasn't sure exactly how many more trips this thing could make. She chose a chair that was still in reasonably good shape and buckled herself in with the ornate harness provided.

  Without really knowing what she was doing, she held the Shimbala towards the oval control panel. Immediately it came to life, making the entire platform hum. A holographic screen appeared showing an array of digits; none of which she recognised. Guessing text was still read top to bottom and left to right, she hovered the Shimbala over the bottom right icon. There was a satisfying electronic 'ping', and the platform lurched downwards.

  Elida had always been a thrill seeker and had enjoyed many a day riding the most extreme roller coasters at theme parks such as Alton Towers or Thorpe Park. But she had never ridden anything as exhilarating as this platform. Either it was malfunctioning or the previous occupants had strong stomachs, but she fell at such a rate she imagined it was what skydiving would be like. The lights whirred past in a blue streak that she couldn’t look at for long.

  As the platform continued to fall, she gradually became accustomed to its movement. The safety belt gave a slight reassurance, but at the speed she was travelling, she doubted it would offer much protection. Then, just as quickly as it had fallen, the platform stopped. It wasn't a sudden jarring and she didn't have any sensation the thing was breaking. One minute it was falling, the next it wasn't.

  She stepped off and could see the chamber disappeared far below. Either she'd selected the wrong level, or more likely she'd gone as far as she was permitted. The platform remained floating and humming behind her in it's weird almost doglike way and she took in exactly where she'd ended up.

  It was clear she was in a far more affluent part of Shael. There was more obvious signs of technology and instead of dark, roughly tunneled passageways, the sides of the chamber were bedecked with a solid metal framework. There were also bright florescent strip lights that made the going much less perilous. The tunnel she followed was decorated with numerous posters and signs; all clearly giving directions to arriving passengers, but all written in the same indecipherable foreign language.

  She could see daylight ahead and when she stepped outside she was relieved to see everything was exactly how Kane had described. There was a second compound surrounded by a similar chain link fence. At its entrance was a security gate with what looked like the remains of a guard box. Leading away from her tunnel was a concrete ramp which lead to a grey looking railway station. This in turn was being fed by rusty railway tracks. In its day, she suspected it would have been a hive of activity; bringing commuters from different layers of Shael to work in the research establishments.

  She was shocked back to the present by a blaring klaxon coming from the tunnel behind her. She rushed back to catch the tail end of the platform shooting up the chamber. Kane had been conservative with his six hour estimate.

  The Mamluk was coming.

  In the end, she needn't have been too concerned. She felt the platform returning less than five minutes later and instead of the giant, killer demon she was expecting. All she got was a scrawny, unconscious man sprawled out on the control panel. He was a similar age to Kane, but with less grey in his black hair. His features were also in contrast to Kane’s, instead of the tanned weathered look, this Mamluk was pale and clammy. In fact he didn’t look in great shape at all.

  She allowed the platform settle, but the man didn't stir. She stepped on and poked him, but still, he didn't stir. In fact, six hours passed before she got any signs of life from her new guest. In that time she had managed to drag his body from the platform to a small service building just beyond the station. It must have been where the station employees worked as there were lockers, a basic kitchen and a canvas bed which she lay the unconscious man on.

  Kane had said the Shimbala should protect her, but as an extra precaution, if she could find a food supply, it could add as an extra distraction. By food supply, he meant fresh meat and with the help of the Shimbala, within an hour she had a decent sized bag of rats. Kane had wrapped a few pieces of meat, which she ate silently; washing them down with water from a skin he’d also provided, and waited for the Mamluk to stir.

  When he was awake, she kept conversation to a minimum. He was an indignant bastard that after a few exchanges started to really piss her off. The approach that seemed to be working best was a kind of flippant reluctance; she wanted to be there no more than he did, but gotta do what the boss says. He wolfed down a couple of rats which turned her stomach when he left some innards on his chin. Puking up in front of him was sure to lose any upper hand she thought she might have. She could tell he would be a slippery character with the danger threat constantly lurking just below the surface. She was pinning her hopes on two things; firstly that the trip would
n't take too long and secondly, she hoped to hell she had enough rats.

  She thought he would put up more of a challenge than he did, so was surprised when he almost unquestioningly followed her. He was scrawny as hell and had clearly only recently come second in a nasty scrape. They left the outbuilding, following the train tracks away from the compound as Kane had directed. The Mamluk - who inexplicably wanted to be called Dex - trudged head down behind her and didn't speak for over two hours.

  'I need to rest,' he said, finally.

  She turned and by the looks of him, could see he needed more than that. His black hair stuck to his clammy face in matted clumps. If he was wearing striped pyjamas instead of the dirty black ones he had on, he could easily pass off as a holocaust victim. She handed him another rat which he refused; instead he gulped down half the contents of her water skin. 'What the fuck happened to you?' she said, 'Pardon the French, but you look like a sack of shit.'

  He gave her a look she didn't much care for, but held his gaze. 'I have been tricked,' he said, 'But I will have my revenge.'

  'Not like that you won't! It looks like the next breeze will snap you.'

  'You know nothing of me girl! I shall have my revenge and woe betide anyone who stands in my way. Including you.’

  'Why don't you cut the crap, Dex. You ain't gonna be doing any of that shit for a while. Wake up and smell the roses pal. If it wasn't for me and my boss, you would be dead. As soon as you start realizing we're on the same side, the better it will be for everyone. Stop seeing everything as a fucking challenge.' She snatched the water skin away from him, but was reluctant to take a drink from the same lips that only hours before, had been eating dead rats. 'Sleep,' she said, 'One hour and then we move on.'

  The railway tracks cut through a deep sided ravine littered with the remnants of decades old rock falls. In some places, the tracks were barely visible beneath piles of boulders. Kane had said to follow the tracks to the end of the line at the far end of the ravine, which they got to four hours after leaving the compound. They came upon another station which was nowhere near as grand as the first and was clearly built more for the workers than the aristocracy. They skirted the station and made their way up the rock face to another inner chamber. This time, without the aid of a kamikaze platform, it took them an hour to scramble up the spiralling staircase to the next level. They exited the gloom into the searing heat of the red earthed landscape.